Online Training – Knowledge Check Answers

The Knowledge Checks in the modules are sometimes poorly worded. Please use this approach to the Knowledge Checks:

  1. Make a good-faith effort to answer the Knowledge Check based on the course content and Submit your answer. If your answer is not what the module is expecting, it will direct you to the page in the Participant Manual where that content is discussed.
  2. Open the Participant Manual (top menu, book icon on the right) and re-read that section.
  3. Make a second good-faith effort to answer the Knowledge Check.
  4. If that fails, then use the Knowledge Check Answers below to continue in the course module.

NOTE: At least one of the Knowledge Checks “mixes up” the order of the answers. So match by the question text, not the order given here.

ModuleKnowledge Check NumberAnswer
1.1 1Organizations = Assigns Responsibility To
People = Describes What Will Be Protected
Supplies = Identifies These Resources
Individuals = Assigns Responsibility To
Property = Describes What Will Be Protected
Facilities = Identifies These Resources
Equipment = Identifies These Resources
Personnel = Identifies These Resources
1.12Ensure local community is trained = Community Leaders
Participate in Local Planning Council = Community Leaders
Learn about local alerts and warnings = Public
Practice skills= Public
Report suspicious activity= Public
Integrate resources into government plans = Community Leaders
Volunteer= Public
1.13House Fires = Structure Fire
Earthquakes = Natural
Chemical Attacks = Intentional
Wildfires = Natural
Flu Outbreak = Pandemic
Explosive Attacks= Intentional
Nuclear Power Plan Accidents = Technological
Hazardous Materials Spills= Technological
1.14Disruption of services
Severity of disaster
Identifying hazardous locations
Historical events
1.15Life-threatening injuries= Emergency Medical Services
Communications systems= Damaged Infrastructure
Roads and bridges= Damaged Infrastructure
Suppress major fires= Fire Fighters
Water lines= Damaged Infrastructure
Downed power lines= Damaged Infrastructure
Grave public safety incidents= Police
Damaged critical facilities= Damaged Infrastructure
1.16Anchor heavy furniture= Non-Structural Mitigation
Secure appliances= Non-Structural Mitigation
Strap roof trusses= Structural Mitigation
Childproof cabinets= Non-Structural Mitigation
Build a safe room= Structural Mitigation
Bolt house to foundation= Structural Mitigation
Raise utilities above flood level= Structural Mitigation
Locate and label utilities= Non-Structural Mitigation
1.27If safe, turn off the utilities
Treat life-threatening injuries
Fight small fires
Light search and rescue
Help survivors cope with emotional stress
1.28Search and rescue= Operations Chief
Documentation= Planning Chief
Medical= Operations Chief
Incident status= Planning Chief
Fire suppression= Operations Chief
(hard hat)
(exam gloves)
(leather gloves)
21Gather Facts
Assess Damage
Consider Probabilities
Assess Your Situation
Establish Priorities
Make Decisions
Develop a Plan of Action
Take Action
Evaluate Progress
22Heavy= NO RESCUE
Moderate= Locate, assess survivors, evacuate
Light= Locate, assess survivors, continue size-up, and document results
23Damage Assessments= Arriving CERT Volunteers
Personnel Resources Sign-In= Staging/Logistics
Incident Briefing= Functional Teams
Assignment Tracking Log= Command Post
Victim Treatment Area Record= Victim Treatment Area
Inventory= Equipment
Log= Communications
3.11(back of hand)= Capillary Bleeding
(base of thumb)= Venous Bleeding
(wrist)= Arterial Bleeding
3.12Lay the body on its side
Extend the bottom arm so that it is reaching outward
Rest the hand of the top arm on the bicep of the top arm
Rest the head on the hand of the top arm
Bend the legs slightly
Raise the chin forward
Point the mouth downward
NOTE: The third step should say “Rest the hand of the top arm on the bicep of the bottom arm”
3.23(black follicle) = Full Thickness
(red skin)= Superficial
(blisters)= Partial thickness
3.24(arm on towel)= Closed Fracture
(bloody calf)= Open Fracture
3.25Low body temperature= Hypothermia
Partial numbness= Frostbite
Tingling sensation= Frostbite
Slurred speech= Hypothermia
Skin discolorations= Frostbite
Listlessness= Hypothermia
Redness of skin= Hypothermia
Shivering= Hypothermia
41Deformities, Contusions, Abrasions, Punctures, Burns, Tenderness, Lacerations, Swelling
42Assess all survivors…
Ask for permission…
Look, listen and feel…
Verbalize everything…
45Boil water for 1 minute
Non-perfumed Bleach
Purification tablets
51Difficulty making decisions
Questioning (“Why me”)
Always on guard
Feeling helpless
Feeling detached
Loss of appetite
Inability to sleep
53Use spiritual resources
Exercise regularly
Get enough sleep
Connect with others
Eat a balanced diet
54Rotate duties
Remind them we are a team
Take breaks
Brief volunteers beforehand
Eat properly
55Pre-disaster phase
Impact phase
Heroic phase
Honeymoon phase
Disillusionment phase
Reconstruction phase
56Help find resources and support= Connect
Connect on a regular basis= Connect
Provide information= Protect
Answer questions honestly= Protect
Pay attention to how they act= Listen
Hear what they say= Listen
Ask what they need right now= Listen
Reduce contact with traumatizing environment= Protect
57Don’t cry
You’re strong
Everything will be okay
It’s God’s will
I understand
Don’t feel bad
6.12Energized electrical equipment…= Class C
Combustible metals…= Class D
Cooking oils…= Class K
Ordinary combustibles…= Class A
Flammable liquid…= Class B
6.13Gather Facts
Assess Damage
Consider Probabilities
Assess Your Situation
Establish Priorities
Make Decisions
Develop a Plan of Action
Take Action
Evaluate Progress
6.14Pull the pin
Aim at the base of fire
Squeeze the lever
Sweep side to side
6.25Get too close to the fire
Fight large fires
Fight the fire alone
Enter smoke-filled rooms
6.26Shut off individual breaker
Shut off main breaker
7.11(library shelves)= Light Damage
(collapsed brown wood)= Heavy Damage
(red roof)= Moderate Damage
7.12Locate, assess, treat airway… remaining in the structure is optional.= Light Damage
Secure perimeter, warn … = Heavy Damage
Locate, treat airway… minimize time spent inside the structure = Moderate Damage
7.13Gather Facts
Assess Damage
Consider Probabilities
Assess Your Situation
Establish Priorities
Make Decisions
Develop a Plan of Action
Take Action
Evaluate Progress
8.11Elicitation of information
Acquisition of supplies
Impersonation/suspicious people
Tests of security
Surveillance of targeted area
Deployment of supplies
8.12Take decisive action= FIGHT
Blockade door= HIDE
Help others escape= RUN
Evacuate= RUN
Remain quiet= HIDE
Act aggressively= FIGHT
Call 9-1-1= RUN
Hide behind large items= HIDE
8.13No sudden movements= How to React
Raise hands and spread fingers= How to React
Remain calm= How to React
Physical description of shooter= What Info to Provide
Put down any items in your hands= How to React
Number of shooters and types of weapons= What Info to Provide
Number of people at this location= What Info to Provide
Proceed in the direction officers are entering from= How to React
8.24Flush entire body with lots of water
Take decontamination action, seconds count
Avoid scrubbing
Wash hands before showering
While flushing, avoid contact with contaminated person and water
Mix soap and water
Avoid shelter contamination
8.25Store pre-cut plastic sheets in S.I.P. room= Preparing for S.I.P.
Shut ventilation, doors and windows= Responding to S.I.P.
Practice sealing the room= Preparing for S.I.P.
Make a S.I.P. procedure= Preparing for S.I.P.
Tape plastic sheeting to cover all openings= Responding to S.I.P.
Go to S.I.P. room= Responding to S.I.P.
Assemble disaster supplies in S.I.P. room= Preparing for S.I.P.
Listen to the radio= Responding to S.I.P.

Last Updated on 2021-07-14