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The plugins used on the site:

Plugin NameAdmin Bar LocationWhat It DoesWhere Used
Better Notifications for WP (BNFW)NotificationsAllows overriding the default WP emails to users and admins.New User Registration – For User: Overrides the default WP email to a new user with the wp-admin link embedded in the email, to instead link to the reset-password page to initially set a new user password.
Broken Link CheckerSettings: Link Checker, Dashboard: Broken Link CheckerGoes through the content pages and looks for broken links. Sends alert emails to admin.Site wide
Bug LibraryBugsA website bug/ feature request plugin.I intend to use this to document changes to the website using the Changelog category. Some day, we might add the ability to the User Home|Website Feedback page for members to report bugs, typos, request features, etc.
Caldera FormsCaldera FormsA very comprehensive form building plugin. I like it as it has conditional logic (don’t show Residence Address unless Live in Bellevue is checked), and lots of advanced features.Access Request (new member), Website Feedback, Request CERT Support (and all forms). Caldera may sunset as a free plugin, and then will use another.
Code ManagerCode ManagerAllows hard-coded HTML or PHP in WP.3/26/23: Not sure if this is being used?
Content ViewsContent ViewsPre-defines views of content (pages, posts). A “query” in database terminology.Pre-defined views of posts that have a specific neighborhood category on a post. Used on the Area Team <neighborhood> pages to show only posts that are categorized for that neighborhood.
Enable Media ReplaceMedia: Library: <select>: Upload a new fileAllows you to upload an updated version of a picture, document using the same name. Thus you don’t have to update any of the page links that point to this picture/document.Nowhere directly.
File Manager AdvancedFile ManagerGUI for working directly with file system of WP server.Used to upload updates to GeoLite2-Country.mmdb database for iQ Country plugin to reject non-US web requests. 1) page download GeoLite2 Country GZIP 2) Win10 Admin CMD: tar -xvzf geolite2-country_YYYYMMDD.tar.gz 3) Using File Manager, upload to /wp-content/uploads
Frontend Reset PasswordDELETEDWorked for a while, then stopped working.
Hide Admin Bar From Front EndSettings: Hide/Show Admin BarTurns off the top admin bar for members on the public site.Site wide.
ImageLinksImageLinksMakes areas of a picture clickable hyper links.Neighborhood map on Area Teams page.
Insert HTML SnippetXYZ HtmlAllows insertion of custom HTML code, such as a script tag not normally allowed in WP.I don’t think this is being used right now
iQ Block CountrySettings: iQ Block CountryUses a database of IP addresses to block access to the websiteConfigured to only allow front-end and back-end access from US
Knowledge Base for Documents and FAQsKnowledge BaseAdds a documents/ FAQ/ Wiki/ capability.Right now, I’m using it for these administrative notes to document website administration on the backend. In the future, we could add FAQs/Wiki for members. Maybe allow them to add content.
Koko AnalyticsDashboard: Analytics, DashboardSimple analytics on pageviews, visitors, etc.Administrative backend only.
Limit Login Attempts ReloadedSettings: Limit Login AttemptsLocks out a user with too many wrong password attempts.
Login With AjaxSettings: Login With AjaxGives the pretty Login page for Login rather than the wp-admin page interface.Login, Forgot Password?
Participants DatabaseParticipants DatabaseThis is the “meat” of the member management system. I chose this plugin because it has very robust database capabilities. There are lots of “Membership Management” plugins, but this one gives you a lot of control over database fields.All of the membership management functions.
Participants Database Custom TemplatesnowhereAdds some custom templates for displaying PDB data, and creates additional folders in the server file system so local edits are not overwritten by plugin or WP updates.server file system
Participants Database Email Expansion KitAdds additional abilities to email members in the PDB.I haven’t installed this yet, but probably will to be able to send email to selected member types (Board only, all CERT, etc.)
Participants Database Locations MapParticipants Database: Locations MapAdds Google maps to PDB lists.Member List (Lead) and Member List (Board) pages
Participants Database Participant LogParticipants Database: Participant LogAdds member-specific sub-databases to a PDB member record.Training Log, Volunteer Log
Participants Database WordPress User ProfileParticipants Database: WordPress User ProfileLinks the PDB member record and WordPres User Profile by first name, last name, username and email.Crucially, if a CERT member changes their email address in PDB, this plugin synchronizes that change into the WP User Profile so it changes their login and Reset Password links.
PDB WP User ShortcodesnowhereAdds two additional shortcodes to PDB: pdb_user_list, pdb_user_recordpdb_user_record is used on the <username> Profile page to display the member’s editable PDB record.
Post SMTPPost SMTPPlugin to modify send email function from the default PHP_Mailer to the more reliable SMTP protocol.All email sending functions.
Restrict Content“Restrict this content” on each page in editorRestricts content to WP User Roles:
Administrator (website)
Editor = CERT Board
Author = Area Lead
Contributor = Team Member
Subscriber = Individual Member
None = publicly viewable page
3/26/23 Kurt: This plugin is questionable. It crashed entire site 3/25 & 26. “Content Control” is a similar plugin by same people as “User Menus” so I trust it more. But I like the each-page configuration of this rather than the global config of Content Control.
Smart Custom 404 Error PageAppearance: 404 Error PageAdds a custom 404 (page not found) error page, overriding the default theme 404 page. No search on the custom page improves security.
SP Project & Document Managernot activatedI think this would be a good “document sharing” plugin, but never got around to testing it.
Teamup CalendarAdd a Classic Editor block, then Teamup Calendar buttonDisplays content from the Teamup website for a specific account. I created a free Teamup account for CERT.Calendar, Calendar (Board) pages. The latter allows editing the calendar on the frontend.
User MenusAppearance: MenusThis is what is filtering the menus available based on the WP User Role.Menus
User Role Editornot activeEdit WP user roles and permissions
User Submitted PostsSettings: User Submitted PostsAllows users to create and view posts on the frontend without having to go to wp-adminPosts page, Area Team <neighborhood> pages
WP Activity LogWP Activity LogLogs and displays significant events in WPWebsite admin use. Seems worthwhile to keep.
WP Data AccessWP Data AccessEdit WP database tables directly.I use to edit the “Area” table for data drive area pages.
WP File ManagerDELETEDCaused a conflict with add_user() of PDB User Profile plugin
WP Hide & Security EnhancerWP HideHide default URLs and pages for better securityHaven’t configured yet
WP Last Modified InfoSettings: WP Last Modified InfoGenerates the “Last Updated on YYYY-MM-DD” on the bottom of content pages.I like this as a user to see when the last time a page/post was updated. Gives the user a “warm fuzzy” that the website is an up-to-date happenin’ place.
WP Responsive Recent Post Slider/CarouselRecent Post SliderMakes the Posts display slider/carouselCERT Home page
wpForonot activeA leading contender for a comprehensive, user-friendly Post/Bulletin Board environment. Haven’t tested yet.
xnau Plugin Updates?Apparently keeps all xnau (PDB) plugins updated.
Yoast Duplicate PostSettings: Duplicate PostCreates a clone of an existing page/post that you can then edit.Much easier to edit a clone page that is already working than building a new one from scratch.
Yoast SEOYoast SEO(Search Engine Optimization)Loaded on trial basis, to disable individual user’s author page
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